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Page 24

  “Alex! Watch out!”

  He looked up, confused. Then his eyes widened as he saw the guns pointed at him. Alex let go of Jonah and raised his hands into the air. Jonah hit Alex in the temple with the gun. Alex’s head rolled back, and then he fell to the ground.

  Police swarmed Jonah, pulling him away from Alex. They held him down as Captain Fleshman cuffed him and read him his rights.

  “You’ll never get away with this!” Jonah shouted. “I’m the Great High Prophet!”

  “No, you’re the one who won’t get away.” The captain shook his head.

  Two policemen dragged Jonah away.

  “I’m the Great High Prophet!”

  “Did you prophesy this?” Luke called out.

  Macy took his hand. “Come on, let’s check on Alex and then find your mom.”

  Alex was already starting to sit up as they made their way down the stairs.

  The captain walked over and helped Alex up. “Let’s get you down to the medics.”

  He rubbed his temple and turned to Macy. “Are you okay?”

  She nodded. “Just shaken up.”

  Alex threw his arms around her and squeezed tight. “I was so worried.”

  “So was I.”

  “Come on.” The captain waved them over and turned to Luke. “Your mom’s already down there. A couple officers escorted her a few minutes ago.”

  Alex let go of Macy and the four of them walked through the community in silence. More gunfire sounded not far away.

  At least they were all safe and the community leaders would be going back to jail—and hopefully they would stay there.


  Alex adjusted his tie and squirmed in the uncomfortable wooden pew. On his right, Macy sniffled and dabbed her eye with a tissue. He squeezed her hand and gave her a sad smile. What could he say to make it any better? She’d been kidnapped a second time and watched three people she knew executed by a madman who had almost killed them, too.

  The minister concluded the service with a prayer. Then he motioned toward the casket. “Everyone is welcome to come up and say their goodbyes to Sydney. We ask that you allow family the opportunity to go first.”

  Alex leaned over and kissed Macy’s cheek. “Unless you need me, I’ll meet you in the reception hall.”

  She wiped a tear away. “It’s okay. Luke’s going to walk up with me. I’m sure Jayla and Lottie will join us. I think I saw Kinsley, too. It’s almost a reunion.”

  Luke put his arm around Macy, helped her up, and guided her to the aisle.

  Alex waited for the crowd to thin out before rising and making his way back. He nodded to a few people on his way out of the sanctuary and followed the aromas of food to the reception hall.

  Nick and the pretty cop stood by a wall, both sipping on coffee. Alex made his way over and poured himself some coffee, too.

  She smiled at Alex. “Hey, Cadet.”

  He held back a grimace, remembering Nick’s story, and glanced at her name tag. “Hi, Officer Foster.”

  “Soon to be Detective.” She grinned and turned to Nick. “Right, Captain?”

  Nick gave a nod, his attention focused out the window.

  Curious, Alex craned his neck to see what was so interesting. He almost dropped his coffee. Across the street a man stood, staring at the church building. Other than the fact that the man had wavy brown hair and much tanner skin, he could’ve been Flynn Myer—the man who had abducted Ariana.

  Alex shook his head. It couldn’t be Flynn. Flynn was in prison without a chance at parole. But then again, so had Chester, and he’d managed to escape—though not for long. He was back behind bars, where he belonged, along with all the other cult leaders.

  Gasping for air, Alex turned to Nick. “That isn’t…?”

  “It can’t be.” Nick pulled out his phone and headed for the door. “I’ll be right back.”

  “What’s the matter?” Foster asked.

  Alex couldn’t find his voice. The man across the street could have easily been Ariana’s abductor. Alex should know—he’d confronted him enough times.

  “Okay.” Foster threw her paper cup in the garbage. “I’ll see you around. I’m going to talk with Detective Anderson.”

  Alex nodded, still unable to speak.

  A couple minutes later, Nick returned. “Flynn’s still in jail. That guy’s not him.”

  “He looked just like him.” Alex glanced back outside, but the man had left.

  “It was just a coincidence.” Nick put his hand on Alex’s shoulder. “Don’t let that rattle you. They say everyone has a doppelganger. That must be his. Let’s just focus on the fact that all your loved ones are safe, and you’re about to start the academy. What else could you ask for?”

  Alex took a deep breath and focused on his friend. “You’re right. It’s time to look forward. The past is done haunting me.” He stood taller. “I’m going to find Macy.”

  “See you later, Alex.” Nick flicked a nod and gave a friendly smile.

  Foster waved.

  Alex spun around and went into the entryway. He nearly bumped into Lottie.

  She embraced him. “It’s so good to see you, Alex.”

  He returned the hug. “And it’s great to see you—you really had us worried. You know you shouldn’t do that.”

  Lottie laughed. “I’ll try not to.” She stepped back and took the hand of a man with a salt-and-pepper beard and striking blue eyes. Alex, I’d like you to meet Wayne. Wayne, this is Alex, Macy’s brother.”

  Wayne smiled widely and shook Alex’s hand, nearly crushing it. “Good to meet you. Macy has told me great things about you and Ariana—I hear she’s thrilled to have a cousin on the way.”

  “Over the moon.” Alex grinned. “She hasn’t stopped talking about it since she found out.”

  “I’m sure we’ll see you around. Pleasure to meet you.”

  “You, too.” Alex nodded and headed toward the sanctuary. Zoey waved him over. He gave her a double-take. “I didn’t know you were here.”

  She nodded. “I wanted to give moral support to Macy and Luke, but I sat in the back because I didn’t know Sydney. Hey, I don’t suppose you want to go somewhere else? Maybe grab some coffee? Macy and Luke are pretty busy. I don’t think they’ll miss us.”

  His pulse quickened. She wanted to go somewhere with him? This might be a good chance to tell her about joining the academy. At least she would see that he was trying to better his life. “Yeah, sure.” Alex glanced over at Macy, speaking with a group of women. “I’ll just text her and let her know we left.”

  They headed outside. Zoey turned to him. “My car?”

  “That’d be best. I rode with Macy and Luke. Otherwise, we’ll have a long walk to my house.”

  She laughed. “I’ve always appreciated your humor.”

  “Always?” He arched a brow. “I can think of a few times you weren’t so happy about it. In fact, I think you left a permanent bruise on my arm when I joked about your cooking setting off the smoke detector.”

  The corners of her mouth twitched. “You had it coming, and besides, it was just that one time.”

  “Didn’t your mom have to throw away that pan?” He held back a laugh.

  She remote-unlocked her turquoise smart car. “Get in.”

  They joked back and forth over the short car ride to her favorite coffee shop. Zoey tapped the steering wheel but didn’t turn off the engine.

  “Everything okay?” Alex asked.

  She turned to him. “Ever since Lottie and Macy came back, I’ve been thinking a lot.”

  Alex’s stomach twisted into a tight knot. “Oh?”

  “Yeah. About what’s important in life, and about not letting important things slip by.”

  He cleared his throat. “Makes sense. Anything in particular?”


  “Me?” He turned to make sure she didn’t mean someone else.

  “Oh, stop. Yes, you. What happened? Things were going so well after
Ariana returned, but then… Why did you pull away from me?”

  Not this conversation. Alex cleared his throat again and tugged on his collar. “Well, you know, I wanted to get my life together.”

  “What do you mean? You’ve turned into dad of the year with Ari.”

  He looked away. “To get a job.”

  “You have one.”

  “Yeah, as my dad’s—I mean, working for my dad. And I need a better car and a place of my own.”

  “Wait a minute. Are you trying to impress me, Alex?”

  That sounded a whole lot better than trying to be good enough for her. He shrugged.

  She grabbed his chin, turned him toward her, and kissed him.

  “Wow, and I didn’t even tell you about the Police Academy!”

  Her eyes widened. “What about it?”

  “I’m starting next month.”

  She threw her arms around him. “That’s so great! You’re going to make such an amazing cop.” She gave him a once-over. “And I can’t wait to see you in uniform.”

  Alex grinned. “Really?”

  “Yeah, really. Now let’s go inside, and you can catch me up on everything else you’ve been holding out.”

  He laughed. “There really isn’t anything else.”

  “We’ll see about that.” She cut the engine and climbed out of the car. Alex let his gaze linger on her a moment before getting out, too. What a turn of events—first Macy and Lottie made it home safely, then he was accepted into the academy, and now Zoey. Maybe things were actually turning around.

  Little Lies (An Alex Mercer Thriller #3)

  Chapter One

  Alex Mercer sang along with the radio and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel. Nothing could break his good mood. Not today.

  It was his first day of the police academy. He was even set to arrive early. After everything he’d gone through to get to this point, he wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of his plans.

  His favorite song from high school played over the speakers. That had to be a sign of good things to come. He hadn’t heard it in years, and yet it played for him today of all days.

  Alex turned up the volume and practically shouted the words. He pressed the gas pedal a little harder. The long, winding two-lane road surrounded by evergreen forest didn’t have another car in sight.

  Over the past year, his life had been turning around piece by piece. Now that he was about to become an academy cadet and had just moved into his own place again, he could actually call life good.

  To top it all off, he even had a party to attend in the evening after the orientation. It was only a few days before Halloween, and his twelve-year-old daughter Ariana was throwing her annual party for her favorite holiday. And now that Alex was back in her life, he'd even been able to help her with the preparations. What a treat that had been—watching her eyes light up as they planned and got everything ready. Some of the ideas he'd given her he'd meant as a joke, but to his surprise, she'd loved them.

  Everything in his life was a stark difference from what it had been a year earlier. He'd been lonely, depressed, and alienated from his family, and his only friend had been the local bartender. Alex's job had provided nothing more than long, tiring hours that earned him only a dilapidated, smelly apartment.

  The song faded and a commercial started. He turned down the volume and glanced at the GPS.

  Ten more minutes.

  Alex’s heart sped up. He, the guy who had barely graduated high school and had managed to destroy his life, would soon be a police officer. The academy was only a few miles away.

  His cell phone buzzed with a text. He glanced at the screen next to the gear shifter.

  Nick: Good luck! I put in a good word for you.

  It really was the perfect day. Captain Nick Fleshman, the one who had convinced Alex to join the academy, knew some of the guys there. Alex hadn’t asked Nick to say anything to them, but his friend was almost more excited about Alex joining the force than he was. It had been Nick’s idea, after all.

  Alex resisted the urge to respond to the text. The last thing he needed was to break the law on his way to the first day of academy. He’d wait until he parked.

  As he rounded a bend, a silver SUV came into view on the other side of the road. It was flipped over onto its roof.

  Alex slowed to a near-stop. The vehicle appeared to be empty. At least in front. The back windows were tinted black, so he couldn't see inside.

  A quick glance around showed there wasn't anyone outside, either. But he couldn’t see around to the other side.

  Why would someone abandon their car before the police or a tow truck got there to help them?

  He pulled over to the right so he could call nine-one-one and report the situation. Once unlocked, the screen went immediately to Nick’s text. Alex sent a quick thanks and then dialed the emergency number.

  Just as he was about to press call, a girl with long messy hair sticking out in every direction stepped around from the back of the SUV where Alex hadn’t been able to see from his angle. She wore a red shirt—or was it bloody?—and looked about Ariana’s age.

  Alex’s heart jumped into his throat. What was she doing out there alone? Was she hurt?

  He dropped the phone and scrambled out of the car, not bothering to close the door. “Are you okay?”

  She only stared at him.

  “Where are your parents?”

  Her eyes darted back and forth, then she held Alex’s gaze, her eyes widening. It was almost like she wanted to tell him something.

  Alex looked both ways and crossed. “Are you too hurt to talk?”

  The girl shook her head. Just barely, though. If he hadn’t been paying attention, he’d have missed it.

  As he stepped closer to her, she backed up.

  “Where are you hurt?” Alex asked. “I have a first-aid kit in the trunk. And I should call for help.”

  “I’m sorry,” she whispered.


  Something hard hit Alex in the side of the head.

  Everything went black.

  Read more here…

  Story Worlds by Stacy Claflin

  Stacy is a USA Today bestselling author who writes about complex characters overcoming incredible odds. Whether it's her Gone saga of psychological thrillers, her various paranormal romance tales, or her contemporary sweet romances, Stacy's three-dimensional characters shine through bringing an experience readers don’t soon forget.

  If you haven’t yet read the Gone Trilogy (the story of Macy’s abduction as a teenager) then you should read that. You’ll find out what happened and learn more about Chester and the cult. No Return and Dean’s List are standalone spin-offs from that saga. Stay tuned for a third Alex Mercer book in the fall of 2017.

  The Gone Saga

  The Gone Trilogy: Gone, Held, Over

  Dean’s List

  No Return

  Alex Mercer Thrillers

  Gone Saga spin-off

  Girl in Trouble

  Turn Back Time

  Curse of the Moon

  Lost Wolf

  Chosen Wolf

  Hunted Wolf

  Broken Wolf

  Cursed Wolf

  Secret Jaguar

  The Transformed Series

  Main Series















  Silent Bite

  Hidden Intentions

  Saved by a Vampire

  Sweet Desire

  Short Story Collection

  Tiny Bites



  Sweet Dreams (Indigo Bay)

  The Hunters


  Seaside Heartbeats

  Seaside Dances

  Seaside Kisses

  Seaside Christmas

  Bayside Wishes

  Bayside Evenings

  Bayside Promises

  Bayside Destinies

  Bayside Dreams

  More coming soon!

  Visit StacyClaflin.com for details.

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  Author’s Note

  Thanks so much for reading Turn Back Time. (If you skipped ahead to this first, please stop reading. There are big spoilers ahead!) I hope you enjoyed the second Alex Mercer thriller! I had a lot of fun writing it—so much that I have many ideas spinning in my mind for the following books. I’m eager to get started! Writing this was an interesting experience because I haven’t visited with Chester, Jonah, or any of the other community members in so long. It was a really interesting experience climbing into the mind of Jonah for his chapters. His were actually some of the easiest to write. It was almost alarming how natural his point of view came to me!

  I hope you enjoyed watching the characters grow and change as much I have. That was one of my favorite parts of the trilogy and now these new books. I’m excited to see Alex join the academy and watch what happens with Nick and his kids. What will come of Lottie and blue-eyed Wayne? Will Macy and Luke’s baby manage to avoid the family fate of being kidnapped? We’ll all find out soon enough!

  If you enjoyed this book, please consider leaving a review wherever you purchased it. Not only will your review help me to better understand what you like—so I can give you more of it!—but it will also help other readers find my work. Reviews can be short—just share your honest thoughts. That’s it.