Turn Back Time Read online

Page 20

  Footsteps thundered up the stairs, and Zoey appeared in the living room, her eyes red. “Any news?”

  “Not yet,” Alex said, his attention still glued to Luke’s phone.

  “Chester really took her again?” Zoey sank into the couch between Alex and Luke.

  Luke nodded, his stomach tightening.

  “And she’s pregnant?” Zoey stared at Luke with wide eyes.

  “It would appear so.” Pain squeezed Luke’s temples.

  Zoey threw her arms around him. “What are we going to do?”

  “That’s what I'm trying to figure out.” He rubbed her back as the second woman sobbed against his chest.

  “Got them.” Alex put Luke’s phone on the coffee table and turned back to his phone. “This post better go viral. I’ve got over thirty pictures of her.”

  Zoey sat back. “I’m the worst best friend ever.”

  “Why?” Luke asked.

  “No, you’re not.” Alex didn’t look up from the screen.

  “I should’ve been there for her. If she’d have felt comfortable telling me about her pregnancy, I could’ve been there with her when Chester showed up. I’d have beat him to a pulp before he could take her.”

  “Or they’d have taken you, too.” Alex shook his head. “That’d be the last thing we need. You can help us get the word out about this.”

  “You mean like how I did such a great job at the press conference?” Her tone dripped with sarcasm.

  “Actually, yes. You did really great.”

  Zoey shook her head. “I nearly had a panic attack right there on stage, in front of like a million people.”

  “You could’ve fooled me.”

  Alex and Zoey stared each other down, and an awkwardness hung in the air.

  Luke pushed himself from the couch. “I need some air.”

  Neither responded. Luke glanced down the stairs to see Chad and Alyssa talking with an officer. They seemed to have everything under control. He wandered to Macy’s old room, which still had a lot of her old things in it. Alyssa liked keeping it as it had been, and so did Ariana who slept in there when she stayed the night with the Mercers.

  Luke wandered around, picking up stuffed animals and holding them close. He swore he could smell her. Still holding a brown bear, he sat on the bed and looked around. “What am I supposed to do, babe?”

  How was he supposed to hold himself together when his entire world was falling apart around him? He’d barely held on with her there by his side. Now what?

  He leaned back against the pillow, squeezing the bear against him so tightly he thought the little stuffed head might pop off. His heartache engulfed him, radiating outward, choking the air out of his body. His heavy eyelids started to close. He didn’t bother fighting them. Waves of sleepiness washed through his body. There was nothing in him left to fight it. Or anything.

  Just as sleep had almost entirely engulfed him, Luke bolted upright. His pulse raged, pulsating through him.

  He knew exactly what he needed to do.


  Alex sat next to Zoey, quiet hanging in the air between them like a thick shroud in the living room. After a few beats, he placed his hand on her knee and leaned against the couch.

  She turned to him. “What are we going to do? Do you think we’ll get Macy back again?”

  He nodded, trying to show more confidence than he actually had. “She got away from that psycho once, she can do it again.”

  “You don’t think he’ll be more careful this time?”

  “Doesn’t matter. Macy spent years thinking about what she’d done wrong and what she’d do differently if she could do it all over again. He’ll be at a disadvantage.”

  “He’s been in jail all these years, Alex. He’s had nothing to do other than think about what he’d do differently.”

  “Doesn’t change the fact that Macy’s smarter than him—by a long shot.”

  Zoey sighed, clearly not convinced. She leaned back and rested her head on the couch. They sat in silence for a few minutes before Zoey turned to Alex. “We’re going to have to tell Ari about this. There’s going to be no hiding it from her this time.”

  Alex nodded. “She’s taking Lottie’s disappearance pretty well. This won’t be any different.”

  Zoey frowned. “Hopefully, this won’t send her over the edge.”

  “No. She’s strong.”

  They sat in silence again. Alex’s mind wandered back to the mystery lunch date Zoey’d had before. “This is probably not the best time, but I need to ask you something.”

  She turned to him, her eyes wide. “What?”

  He cleared his throat. “Ariana mentioned…” It sounded so dumb. Why was he bringing it up now?

  “She mentioned what?”

  “A lunch date with Casey. It’s probably none of my business—in fact, it’s not. Forget I said anything.”

  Zoey’s expression softened. “Casey’s my friend.”

  Alex nodded and turned to his phone. “I wonder how many shares my post about Macy has. We need it to go viral.”

  “I was helping her plan her wedding, Alex.” Zoey put her hand on Alex’s.

  He turned and met her gaze. “Oh.”

  “Were you worried?”

  Alex couldn’t read her expression. He shrugged and turned back to his phone. “Look, already twenty shares. I’d hoped for more, but it’s late. People are sleeping. It’ll blow up tomorrow, guaranteed.”

  Zoey squeezed his hand. “I’ve been waiting for—”

  Luke stumbled into the room, his eyes wild. “I know what I have to do.”

  “What?” Alex and Zoey asked in unison. Zoey kept her hand on top of Alex’s.

  “I’m going to make myself bait. Get those jerks to kidnap me so I can break my family out of the community.”

  “That’s crazy.” Alex stared at him. “How do you plan on getting out?”

  Luke narrowed his eyes. “You’re going to follow me.”

  Zoey’s hand tightened around Alex’s.

  “You think I’m going to get you out of that mess?” Alex exclaimed.

  “Yes.” Luke crossed his arms. “Actually, no. I don’t think you will, I know you will.”

  Alex’s stomach twisted. “You have too much faith in me.”

  “You got any better ideas?” Luke stepped closer to Alex.

  “I…” Alex’s mind raced. He was going to join the academy soon—the police academy. He couldn’t be pulling stupid stunts like that if he was going to be a cop. But maybe that was his answer. He wasn’t an officer of the law yet—not even an academy cadet. This might be his final chance to be an idiot—what else would he call following his brother-in-law into a notorious cult that had nearly gotten his sister killed?

  “Well?” Luke asked.

  Both of Zoey’s hands wrapped around Alex’s and squeezed. “Alex, don’t,” she pleaded.

  He took a deep breath. “Macy needs us.”


  “My future niece or nephew needs me.”

  Zoey turned to Luke. “What’s your plan, exactly?”

  “Jonah clearly wants everyone who had anything to do with the breakdown of the community before. He’s going to be looking for me—probably already has guys watching me outside this house.”

  She shuddered and moved closer to Alex.

  Luke continued. “The moment I’m alone and vulnerable, they’ll take me. But they won’t know Alex is watching from his car. He’ll follow them and at some point let the cops know what’s going on.” He turned to Alex. “You have to wait a while. The police have to be far enough behind that the abductors don’t suspect anything.”

  Zoey pressed her side against Alex. “I can’t believe you’re going to put yourself in that position—to let them take you.”

  “I should’ve done this sooner.” His expression tightened. “If I had, Macy would probably be safe at home right now.” Luke turned to Alex. “Are you in, or am I on my own?”

; Alex jumped to his feet. “I’m in. Let’s do this.”

  “So am I.” Zoey rose and wrapped her arms around Alex.

  Luke turned to her. “I don’t think I like that idea.”

  “Why not?” she countered. “Because I’m a woman?”

  He took a step back. “Well, I… If you want to join Alex, I guess there’s no stopping you.”

  “Darn straight.”

  A surge of pride and admiration ran through Alex. Zoey hadn’t changed a bit, and he loved her all the more for it—but he couldn’t let her go. Not with as many people as he cared about in danger already.


  Excitement rose in Jonah’s chest as he looked over the courtroom filled with his people. The scene before him was even more majestic and glorious than he’d imagined. He had more members than seats, and as a result many of the women had to stand. Among the sea of white, every face stared at him, filled with eager expectation.

  They couldn’t wait to hear what he had to say. It was the most spectacular moment of his life—even topping his time reuniting with Eve—and he held onto the sight and feel, relishing in it and wanting to hold onto the memory for the rest of his days and well into his years in the coming promised land.

  His people began to fidget. That was Jonah’s cue to carry on despite how much he wanted to enjoy the moment for all it was worth. They would cry out for him to dish out more of his glory soon enough.

  The moment would only get better.

  Jonah picked up his gavel and hit it on his desk. The beautiful sound echoed all around, capturing the attention of everyone in the room. Gasps and smiles went through the audience.

  They were going to hang on his every word. He took a deep breath and let it sink in a little more before speaking.

  “Dear community members.” Every single person in front of him leaned forward with anticipation. “Today is a special day. This is one we will all remember not only for the rest of our lifetimes, but also in the land beyond. The events about to unfold will stay with us forever. Make sure you pay close attention and keep everything close to your hearts.”

  Everyone hung on his words. A shiver ran down his back. It was almost like they hadn’t been separated for so many years. Almost.

  “We’re about to begin the trials of those who caused our separation. In the grand scheme of things, those missing years won’t seem like much—looking back hundreds of years in the future when we’re finally in the great promised land, it will only be a drop in the bucket. Unfortunately, as we’re all so deeply aware, having had to live through the great separation so recently, it’s much more than that. Sins were committed, and they must be paid for.” Jonah turned to look at the prisoners.

  Shuffling noises ran through the crowd as everyone turned to look, also.

  Jonah narrowed his eyes at the evildoers, the very people who had ruined so much of his life. He considered addressing them, but it would be a waste of his breath. He turned back to the adoring crowd and waited for them to focus on him. “Now before we begin the trials, two things must happen.”

  Eyes widened and people leaned forward.

  “First of all, I would like to call up our beloved newest prophet who barely got any time here in our most beloved community. He hasn’t even had a chance to receive his true name. Come up and join me, Chester.”

  The room was so quiet, Chester’s every footstep echoed around the room as he made his way up.

  Jonah put his arm around the taller man and grinned widely as he scanned the crowd. “You all remember how I had visions before he joined us. Vivid, glorious visions about a man and his daughter who would forever change our beloved community. I shared those with all of you, not leaving out a single detail. Then when I went out into the world to search for him, I found him almost immediately. It was truly a divine appointment. He didn’t have his daughter with him, so we had to wait.” Jonah paused and took a deep breath.

  The silence echoed around him. It was such a beautiful thing, everyone hanging on his every word.

  “It was most unfortunate that his daughter’s role in all of this really did forever change our family. Every single one of us was deeply wounded by what happened. Many of you were put back on the streets where I found and saved you. Nearly everyone has struggled immensely. The good news is that for those of you who are innocent, you will receive a great reward for your hardships. But for those who are found guilty, a different fate is coming.” He turned to look at the prisoners again. “You who played a role in that should be most fearful.”

  Taking a deep breath, Jonah stepped back, let go of Chester, and turned back to the crowd. “And now what you’ve been waiting so long for—the revelation of another prophecy.”

  People leaned forward even more. A giddiness ran through Jonah, and he fought to keep his expression steady. He let the moment build as they waited for the prophecy.

  “Usually, I would reveal something so important in our meeting hall, but I’m sure you all understand the importance of having the revelation here.”

  Heads nodded yes, but nobody spoke a word.

  “Give me a moment to prepare.” Jonah closed his eyes and shook out his arms and legs. He took several deep breaths and allowed images to run through his mind. Images he’d seen before but now would finally share with his followers. At long last, he opened his eyes. “Today we are given the opportunity to restore things to how they were. How often are humans given the chance to turn back time to the way things once were? To the way they should be? Not often, but today is our great gift. We will receive our beloved community fully restored as it should be. It will be exactly as though none of our heartache ever happened.”

  Applause broke out. People jumped to their feet and called out Jonah’s name. It rolled off their tongues and echoed around the gorgeous courtroom like a choir of angels. Their chants grew louder, and though Jonah would have loved to stand there and revel in their worship, he needed to continue with the prophecy. He raised his hands high into the air until the room grew silent again and the people took their seats.

  “Now the prophecies have revealed that although today will be gloriously restorative, it will also be a sad day for our beloved Chester. It will work out in his favor, lifting him higher than we ever thought possible, but he will stand a test of will and faith.” Jonah turned to Chester. “Are you ready to hear the prophecy?”

  Chester bowed low. “I am.”

  Jonah held his gaze. “Unfortunately, since your daughter was the mastermind behind the breakdown of our beloved community, she must suffer the harshest of penalties.”

  Chester’s eyes widened and his face paled.

  “To prove your loyalty to not only me, but to everyone here, you must be the one to carry out her punishment.”

  He didn’t respond except to blink. Beads of sweat broke out where his hairline once would have been.

  Jonah cleared his throat. “You must sacrifice your daughter, Chester. Then you will receive your true name.”

  “I, I… But I love Heather.”

  A fresh, and stronger, wave of giddiness ran through Jonah. He clapped his hands together. “All the better! That’ll make the sacrifice all the more meaningful. Your true name will be of so much more value than usual. You really are a rare gem, Chester. I couldn’t be prouder to have you here by my side.”

  Chester swallowed.

  “You will complete the sacrifice, will you not?”

  Silence echoed around them as the two men stared off. Tears shone in Chester’s eyes. He nodded with determination. “I’ll do it.”

  Thunderous applause erupted from the audience and lasted for several minutes. Once the room grew quiet again, Jonah put his hand on Chester’s shoulder. “The fact that it will be so hard for you means your reward in the afterlife will be all the greater. You will truly be lifted up.” Jonah turned back to the adoring crowd. “And now, on to the trials.”


  Nick finished off the stale coffee, not that it helpe
d wake him. After weeding through mostly useless leads all morning, his eyes were fighting to close. The only thing remotely helpful was what they’d found early on—the purse, the blood, and the tire marks. Macy’s car hadn’t been found—it was probably wherever Lottie’s car had been taken. Both missing vehicles must’ve had their GPS locators removed or destroyed. But the tire tracks belonged to a larger vehicle than hers, so her car wasn’t even on the priority list.

  Knock, knock.

  Nick slapped his cheeks, trying to wake up a little. “Come in!”

  The door opened, and Anderson entered. “We just got the footage from a camera down the street from Macy’s clinic. It caught a van leaving the driveway around dusk. It didn’t capture the time, but it appears to be the vehicle we’re looking for.”

  “Let me see it.” Nick followed Anderson to his desk and watched the grainy video on his laptop. “Probably no way to get a license plate from that.”

  Anderson shook his head. “Not with this video quality.”

  “Call the Department of Transportation and have them go over all the traffic cams in the area. They have to be able to find something, and if there is a plate, they’ll have it.”

  “I’m on it.” Anderson took a sip of his coffee. “Have you found anything?”

  “Other than dead-end leads?” Nick asked. “Nothing. Let me know what you find out from the DOT. I’m going to catch some shut eye on my couch. If we do find out where this van went, I’ll need at least a little sleep.”

  “I’ll make sure no one bothers you unless it’s urgent.”

  “Have you gotten any sleep?”

  Anderson nodded. “I went home for a few hours. Notice the wrinkled clothes.”

  Nick nodded. “Don’t hesitate to wake me as soon as you find anything.”

  “Sure.” Anderson picked up his cell phone and pressed a button. “Call the DOT.”

  Nick rubbed his eyes and made his way back to his office. He closed the blinds, grabbed a blanket from a box behind the couch, and lay down. He fell asleep as soon as his head made contact with the cushion.